The use of specific identification systems
for horses is valuable for several reasons. On large ranches
and or at riding stables, where several horses may be of
the same sex, age or color (with similar markings), differentiation
may be difficult in daily management practices. Marked horses
are less likely to be stolen as they can be traced more easily
by law enforcement officers. Also, specific identification
of horses discourages fraudulent practices with registration
papers. Lastly, many ranches or owners simply want to personalize
horses they've bred, owned and or those horses of which they
are extremely proud.
If owners are going to brand several horses each year for
several years, some thought should be given to a branding
system. Important
information to include in a branding system may be sire,
dam, date of horse's birth, individual horse number,etc.,
on the operation and how the horses are to be used or marketed.
Branding systems are available from state livestock associations,
brand inspectors and ranchers. Be sure to check with your
county clerk, county extension agent or state brand inspection
about branding and brand ownership regulations. The State
of California has specific regulations for horse and
cattle branding.
You must register your brand and will be issued a certificate
titled "Livestock Identification". You must be
sure the symbols and or brand idea is not already spoken
for by
another cattle ranch or equine operation.
Horses are commonly branded on the left or right jaw, shoulder,
thigh, hip or butt, (beside the tail). Certain sites can
be further divided if branding systems warrant. For example,
the thigh area can be divided into four sites-12:00 (above
center), 3:00 (right of center), 6:00 (below center), and
9:00 (left of center). When branding on the shoulder, be
sure that the iron head is not partially on a thinner muscle
mass over the scapula with the remainder of the iron head
on a heavier, deeper muscle mass not covering bone. Unequal
head pressure can produce a non-uniform brand. 2 and 3 inch letters, 2 and 3 inch numerals, rockers, rafters,
stars, bars, arrows, hearts, lightning bolt, diamond, square,
traingle and horse shoe. Custom made brands are also available
for ordering. You may choose 1 or a combination of irons
to create your own identification mark. Keep in mind that
your symbols can not overlap unless you have a custom made
brand. Irons are considered "Standard" when the
characters do not touch each other and are separated by some
space. Example:
Custom made irons are considered "Special" when
the characters of the iron deviate from the "Standard" block
lettering, are connected on the face of the iron, or are
touching each other in any way.

All irons are made of rust resistant non-corrosive
copper alloy with the highest quality metals
and proud superior
workmanship by L & H Manufacturing Company.
For more information or to schedule an appointment
please contact:
Sunnie Rose at Sunwolf Farms (661) 245-9653
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